Semi Truck Accidents

Semi-Truck Accident Attorneys in Chicago

If you have been in a semi-truck accident, a personal injury lawyer at Hoey & Farina can help!

Immediately after a semi-truck accident, the claim agent for the trucking company and driver will begin an accident investigation, attempt to get your statement (perhaps even while in the hospital and under medication) and ask you to sign medical authorizations. His purpose? To reduce the liability of the truck driver or trucking company. The claim agent may also try to convince you to hold off hiring a personal injury lawyer. His purpose? To reduce the insurance company’s financial losses. Accidents involving semi-trucks often result in serious injuries, such as:

  • Amputation
  • Blindness
  • Brain Damage / Closed Head Injury
  • CRPS - Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
  • Crush Injury
  • Disfigurement
  • Multiple Broken Bone
  • Paralysis
  • Permanent Disability
  • PTSD - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • RSD - Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy
  • Spinal Cord Injury
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Wrongful Death

If you have been in an accident with a semi-truck, you need someone on your side, who will protect your rights and help obtain the best medical and financial recovery for you.

Hoey & Farina understands that due to licensing, training requirements and vehicle codes unique to commercial truck drivers and trucking companies, truck accident cases are very complex and require immediate investigation on your behalf so key pieces of evidence are not lost forever. (For example: Legally, truck drivers’ Hours of Service Logs are required to be retained for only 6 months.) As your semi-truck accident lawyers, Hoey & Farina will investigate and determine all possible causes of the truck accident and Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) violations, including:

  • Lack of Truck Driver Training
  • Improper Hours of Service Logs (Sleep Deprived / Fatigued Trucker)
  • Driving Drunk
  • Using Drugs While Driving
  • Poor Driving History
  • Failure to Submit to Truck Inspections
  • Over Loaded Truck
  • Poorly Maintained Brakes
  • Lack of or Improper Lights, Safety Reflectors or Warnings
  • Lack of Underguard Protections

Hoey & Farina’s experienced semi-truck accident lawyers, investigators, paralegals and legal assistants will provide you with compassionate service while working hard to protect your rights and obtain for you the results you need and deserve! (Economic and non-economic damages can include: lost wages, future earnings, medical bills, future medical bills, pain and suffering, grief, sorrow and mental suffering, loss of quality of life and other possible damages.) Hoey & Farina charges no upfront fees, so there is no financial burden for you to retain a semi-truck accident attorney. We collect a fee only after we have obtained a settlement or verdict on your behalf. Please read what our clients have to say about Hoey & Farina.

Free Consultation

Experienced personal injury attorneys are available to help you with you injury claim or wrongful death claim.

My entire future is now secure because of your determination, expertise, hard work and more importantly just truly caring about how I spend the rest of my life."

Shawn B.